ImageThis is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.

Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.


I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, this happened mainly because we didn’t have any real concept or anything of a real guideline for that matter either. I couldn’t just start creating textures when I don’t know what it should look like.


Anyway, when I did get the chance to start working I kept on working so much that I almost forgot about the time. Most days i stayed until it was 11:00 pm. I even forgot how much time I actually really spent on each asset. So I found it difficult to figure out how I was going to note down the correct amount of time on the Scrum. I will try to address this by keeping an eye out on the clock a bit more.


The things I create are Materials in Unreal Engine 4. By creating them I must learn how to create the Materials we want, the process goes like this: First I create textures in Photoshop CS6, then I import them into Unreal Engine 4, create the materials with those textures. Some Materials can be made straight from within Unreal Engine 4, but for me to be able to do that I will have to learn it. Later on we will use these materials to sort of like paint the levels, we will be able to simply drag and drop the materials to surfaces and then even blend Materials over each other. This is also something I will have to learn as I am quite new at this.