This has been one of the most hectic weeks of our production, as we thought the Beta was earlier than it actually was. Some of us sat up all night trying to finishing up some of the ”last” touches of our levels. It was not pleasant to hear that we had worked those insane hours almost for nothing. After that we who had worked so late took a brake the rest of the weekend. Even though I thought to myself that I could use the break, I still worked a little bit.


I have worked so much that I have run out of things to do at this point. Some of the things we had planned on doing from the beginning, example wise the main character and the animations, they had to be cut from this production due to that we are short on time. Even that I don’t really have anything to do because I can not still do the things that were cut from the production as there is too little time… Where did the last weeks of production time go? I thought that we had 10 weeks, not 8… But everything has to be wrapped up in for Gotland Game Awards which takes place on Gotland the 28/5/2014.


Here are screen shots of some of the things that I have done.


(This is a little bit of late post. But better late then never.)